In mid-May, I returned again to 30 Below Studio in New York to continue tracking on my latest recording project. It’s shaping up to be ten new songs — all originals of mine, and I hope it is released before the end of the year. It’s a true solo album… I’m playing most of the instruments. The songs I’ve written are in the singer-songwriter style with a definite nod to blues. There’s some pop, lounge, and country in the mix too. One of the songs was compared to a Glenn Campbell tune by a musician friend of mine when I played it at a recent acoustic solo show!
Working with me on the project are Kevin Tooley (drums), Frank DiNunzio III (bass, backing vocals), Michele Butler (backing vocals), and of course the brilliant engineer Brent McLachlan. Patric Roes the world class bass player from Holland stopped by the studio to say hello too. He’s visiting New York from Europe and playing bass with Frank at a showcase gig here.
More info soon…