I’m spending the summer months putting the finishing touches on my latest solo album. Ten new songs, all written by me titled Used Man For Sale.
The songs blues-based, with a few conjuring 1960’s-era country and lounge stylings. I wrote all of them in the past year or two. Most I’ve performed live in some fashion the with various collaborators. This is more of a “songwriter driven” albums than my previous efforts. The arrangements are simple and so is the production. The songs are recorded honestly with no studio gimmickry.
I’ve got some great musicians playing on it — Frank DiNunzio II – standup bass; Johnny Young – keys/piano; Kevin Tooley – drums; and Michele Butler singing harmonies. Tracking was done at 30 Below Studio in NYC with Brent McLaghlian and Kevin Tooley’s studio. Kevin is producing and mixing.
In addition, I’ve been collaborating with the fine folks at PreFab International Cine on some music videos for some of the album’s songs. We recently finished a shoot for “The Arms of a Kind Woman” and editing is nearly finished. It was shot on location in the Manhattanville and Tribeca neighborhoods in New York. Big thanks to my pal Mike Rimbaud for assisting us at the Tribeca recently.
All of these new recordings and videos will be unleashed on the world in due time… probably the fall of 2016 or winter 2017.
More info soon…

© Phil Gammage and PreFab International Cine.