
Aldora Records (U.K.) | read

Phil pontificates about Elvis Presley, rodeos, his new album Redeemed, and the Velvet Underground with Aldora’s Tom Hilton (U.K.). July 2024.

Rock Era

The Rock Era gang asks Phil about the new album Redeemed, the use of AI in the arts, filming the “Redeemed” music video in three different cities, song lyrics, and more. April 2024

Story Telling on Orchard Street podcast (New York, NY)

Host Pete Solomita interviews singer/songwriter, author, and designer Phil Gammage. They talk about Phil moving from Texas to NYC, his love of film noir and pulp fiction, early musical influences, 90’s NYC music scene, Phil’s current roots music recordings and live shows, plus other artistic endeavors including writing short stories and fiction. November 2022.

Brooklands Radio (Surrey, UK)

Phil talks about the new album and his life in music on this November 2021 50-minute interview with Brooklands Radio (U.K.).

Radio Gulp (Argentina)
Read in French | English | Spanish

Maintenant disponible en français, la nouvelle interview du guitariste et co-fondateur de Certain General, Phil Gammage, parle de ses débuts avec le groupe. Phil discute de la formation du groupe, de l’enregistrement de l’album November’s Heat, des tournées européennes, des raisons pour lesquelles il a quitté le groupe, et bien plus encore. Avec le journaliste musical argentin Darío Falcón à Radio Gulp de Buenos Aires.
Phil discusses his early days playing with the New York rock band Certain General in this candid 2023 interview with Darío Falcón from Radio Gulp – Buenos Aires.